Our School

Sunridge Elementary School students and staff have a dedication to achieving academic excellence and increasing student outcomes. We thrive by partnering with parents and community partners to teach and learn in a safe environment that serves the Sunridge community with pride.

Academic Excellence

At Sunridge, we will strive for academic excellence every day. Our teachers will follow the curriculum maps and teach the district-adopted curriculum with fidelity. We have a goal to ensure that all students reach their full potential on district and state assessments. Our school-wide goal is for Sunridge to earn a letter grade of A from the state.

Individualized Education

At Sunridge, we provide all students with an individualized learning experience. We strive for success for everyone through differentiated instruction, targeted interventions, small class sizes, enrichment activities, and individualized lessons. Our teachers will also use real-world problems to increase problem-solving skills and students’ depth of knowledge.

Our Mission

At Sunridge Elementary we are committed to being a part of our community by serving the Sunridge neighborhood with pride, patience, and polite customer service.

Our Vision

At Sunridge Elementary our goal is teach each individual child through cooperative learning strategies and differentiated instruction to achieve maximum growth for each individual student.

Sidewinder Shout-Outs

Congratulations Mr. White, the 2021–2022 Sunridge Teacher of the Year! Thank you for all you do!

Two students looking up at the projector screen in the classroom