Sunridge Staff

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  • Alvarez Rocio
    Rocio Alvarez TOSA Send message »

    Bachelor in Special Education and Early Childhood
    Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction

    I've been teaching for 14 years.

    Why I Teach
    I teach because I would like to make a positive impact in our children and families.

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  • Salazar Almira
    Almira Salazar School Counselor Send message »

    Bachelors in Special Education - Arizona State University
    Masters in School Counseling - Grand Canyon University

    I have 10 years of experience.

    Why I Teach
    I became a school counselor because I want to help children meet their academic, social, and emotional needs.

    Almira Salazar


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  • Lewis Vilma
    Vilma Lewis Preschool Lead Teacher Send message »

    BA Preschool

    22 years

    Why I Teach
    I love working with children. I want to make sure that the future for the children is brilliant. It is a lot fun to teach the children when you enjoy and love a job the way I do. I would like to continue all my life teaching Head Start preschool.

    Vilma Lewis

Head Start

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  • Abreo Anayeli
    Anayeli Abreo Teacher Send message »

    MA Education Curriculum & Instruction: Reading emphasis in Elementary Education

    12 years

    Why I Teach
    The reason I chose to become an educator is to make a difference in students' lives. I want to be able to reach out to students and cultivate meaningful relationships. I love children and think that we can learn so much from each other. I think that by spending time with children we can stay young at heart, which is something that I hope to accomplish. I want to inspire my students to become self-sufficient, caring, respectful, innovative, and empathetic learners and teachers. I want my students to be successful. I strongly believe that as early childhood educators we must provide a strong foundation for lifelong learning. The first years of a child's schooling are the most important. I believe that as teachers it is our mission to promote positive learning and to spark the enthusiasm of learners. I believe that teachers who share their passion for teaching and teach with passion and sympathy are more likely to connect with learners and increase learner performance.

    Anayeli Abreo
  • Simental Diana
    Diana Simental Teacher Send message »

    MA in Early Childhood Education

    I have been at Sunridge Elementary for eleven years and taught kindergarten for seven years.

    Why I Teach
    My teaching philosophy has exponentially grown throughout my educational career. Nothing makes me happier than to see the smile on my students' faces when they are actively engaged in their learning. There are many activities that one can do with students to engage them in their learning while having fun with them. Singing songs or being plain silly as we play has turned out to be very beneficial to my students' learning. It is very gratifying to see my students actively engaged in their learning and allowing me to guide them along their educational path.

    Diana Simental
  • Swartz Stacie
    Stacie Swartz Teacher Send message »

    BA Liberal Studies - Fresno Pacific University

    I have been teaching for 25 years.

    Why I Teach
    I have always enjoyed working with children. I love to see their excitement for life and the new things they get to experience. Even though there can be frustrations along the way, watching students grow and learn is the best part of the job.

    Stacie Swartz

First Grade

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  • Norman Cynthia
    Cynthia Norman Teacher Send message »

    Master in Early Childhood Education - Ottawa University

    I've been teaching for 20 years.

    Why I Teach
    I teach to be a part of shaping the student's mind.

    Cynthia Norman
  • Swanson Nanette
    Nanette Swanson Teacher Send message »

    BS in Education - CSC
    Masters in Education - Chapman University
    ESL Endorsement and Early Childhood Endorsement - University of Phoenix

    I have been teaching for 30 years.

    Why I Teach
    Teaching is electric! My students and I get excited when learning and that enthusiasm is contagious! My favorite grade to teach is first grade because I am lucky to be able to teach students to read!

    Sidewinder Sunridge logo

Second Grade

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  • Kondo Cristina
    Cristina Kondo Teacher Send message »


    I've been teaching for 16 years.

    Why I Teach
    Every person deserves to have access to knowledge and to encourage their own curiosity. In a world of followers, we need more good leaders and citizens.

    Cristina Kondo
  • Perez Susana
    Susana Perez Teacher Send message »

    Post-Baccalaureate Elementary Education - Arizona State University

    20 years teaching elementary school

    Why I Teach
    I became a teacher to make a difference in a child's life. I want the children to remember me as a teacher who believes that every student can be successful if they have someone who cares for them and guides them towards any small goal, academically and socially. I have worked with students from preschool to elementary and in the classroom. I encourage students to participate in all classroom subjects throughout the day. Students in my classroom are exposed to various experiences through hands-on-projects and their own unique style of learning. I provide extra support to the students who may require the assistance to fully incorporate into daily activities and projects. I give students the opportunity to learn through positive praise and reinforcement.

    Susana Perez

Third Grade

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  • Clay Janie
    Janie Clay Teacher Send message »

    BA in Political Science - Phillips University
    MEd in Elementary Education - Grand Canyon University

    I have been a classroom teacher for 23 years.

    Why I Teach
    As a teacher, I aspire to create a learning environment where students have the freedom to take risks and be themselves. I aim to provide a learning space where students can grow and flourish.

    Janie Clay
  • Ochoa Lauran
    Lauran Ochoa Teacher Send message »

    B.A. in Elementary Education
    Masters in BME

    I've been teaching for 20 years.

    Why I Teach
    I teach to inspire the youth to become productive members of society. I find joy in seeing my students grow academically, becoming responsible young adults, and sharing their experiences with others.

    Sidewinder Sunridge logo

Fourth Grade

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  • ONeill Tracy
    Tracy ONeill Teacher Send message »

    Associates Degree in Commercial Portraiture
    BA in Education with minors in LA and SS
    Masters in TESOL

    I started teaching in 2007.

    Why I Teach
    I teach for the love of seeing children succeed.

    Tracy ONeill
  • Ross June
    June Ross Teacher Send message »

    Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies - Arizona State University 2001
    MA in Education - University of Phoenix 2007

    I've been teaching since 2015.

    Why I Teach
    I love children and want to see them achieve all their goals. If I can inspire and have a positive impact on them, then I feel I've done something in life that is truly worthwhile.

    June Ross

Fifth Grade

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  • Valencia Lillie
    Lillie Valencia Teacher Send message »

    Bachelor of Arts in Education - Arizona State University 1996

    In my 15+ years as an educator, I have had the privilege to work with students and teachers in the districts of the Southwest Valley. Currently, I am teaching a wonderful group of fifth grade students at Sunridge Elementary School.

    Why I Teach
    I teach because I want to give back to my community. I had wonderful teachers that gave me a love for teaching. I want to be like them and create wonderful memories that will shape the next generation of teachers to come.

    Sidewinder Sunridge logo

Special Area

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  • Duvall Monica
    Monica Duvall Reading Interventionist Send message »

    Bachelor's in Elementary Education - Arizona State University
    Master's in Bilingual and Multicultural Education - NAU

    I've been teaching for 22 years.

    Why I Teach
    I teach because I learn so much from all the students I am able to work with. They teach me each day about perseverance, trust, acceptance, and vulnerability. We learn alongside one another and grow together. All the students I am able to work with are truly amazing, and it is wonderful to see how far they've come at the end of each school year.

    Monica Duvall
  • Fox Kaylynne
    Kaylynne Fox Music Teacher Send message »

    BA in Music Education - Utah State University
    Masters in Music Education - NAU

    I started teaching in 1999.

    Why I Teach
    I love seeing kids get excited when they learn something new! 

    Kaylynne Fox
  • Jacobs Annette
    Annette Jacobs Art Teacher Send message »

    MA Early Childhood Education, MA Reading and Elementary Literacy

    20 years

    Why I Teach
    I became a teacher in 2008, and it is an important part of my life. I love to see the sparkle in children's eyes when they know they got it. I believe strongly in giving our students a strong foundation. My goal for my students is to instill in them the desire for a lifetime of learning.

    Annette Jacobs
  • Martinez Elisa
    Elisa Martinez Resource Teacher Send message »

    Bachelors in Elementary Education
    Masters in Curriculum and Instruction
    Masters in Cross-Categorical Special Education

    I've been teaching for 27 years.

    Why I Teach
    I teach because I love it! All children have the ability to learn, and I teach in order to cultivate their individual learning abilities. It is amazing to watch them grow throughout their elementary school years! "What greater joy can a teacher feel than to witness a child's success?" - Michelle L. Graham

    Elisa Martinez
  • White Bryan
    Bryan White P.E. Teacher Send message »

    BS Business - Point Loma Nazarene University, MA Education - ASU

    I have been a teacher for 15 years now. I started my career in education teaching English in Bangladesh with the Peace Corps. I started teaching here in the valley 10 years ago and have worked here ever since.

    Why I Teach
    I teach because I love to see the light bulb go off when my students come to an understanding. I enjoy being a mentor to those students and teaching them to be contributing members of society. It all starts with an idea and a mindset. Students who are ready in class are typically ready for life outside our school walls.

    Bryan White

Maintenance & Custodial

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